Lo Mein High

Seriously, I had to try really hard and drink a glass of water to stop chowing on the lo mein so I could come in here and blog. Hee hee. It is some serious good stuff there, num num.

I didn’t make any pastel strokes until about 3:40 PM today, because before that, although it’s been a relatively low pain day and I have had relatively less exhaustion, I had a nightmare at 3 AM and have been up and down since then, processing “stuff” which shall go unnamed here. I’ve been journalling and sorting through memories and things and have made great strides, but these things take time.

So, I did at last get to painting and had some fun, and became quite giddy with the joy of it for a while, in fact, in comparison to processing the “stuff.”

There is a whole golden cap with rust and dark green shrubbery bits that isn’t there yet, in fact, there is obviously so much that isn’t there yet. I can’t hardly wait to paint it and for you to see it the way it will ultimately, I hope, be!

So, to paint a bit, since I’m quite full of the the lo mein for now … Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

About amyjacksoncc

I am a professional artist, writer and musician creating from my home studio. To view my artwork, visit http://www.amyjackson.cc
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