Saving Up

Jason said not to walk by the bog, too icy still. He almost fell 6-7 times. C’mon snow, melt, melt! Does anyone remember XTC’s song, “Melt the Guns”? Love it.

So we’re limited to walking around the complex, good for running into neighbors, for sure. I’m quite neighborly, actually. I love the concept, when we work together instead of selfishly to clear the snow. Although I’m not actually up to shovelling snow anymore, but I appreciate when folks are neighborly.

Listened to Last Train Home by Imogen Heap getting ready this morning. We have Frou Frou somewhere on CD but not sure where at this point. I think she’s awesome! I love how she composed in different locations of the world for this last album: Kauai, for example. A friend told me the park service has cabins for artists to do informal residencies, that he suspects even on Kauai they have them. A point to research.

I think I’m not going to be able to go to the 25th reunion of my college class in April, because I need to put funds toward airfare for Cedar City, Utah in July, instead. Could be worse, but I was really looking forward to seeing college and other friends there again. Oh well.

My goals for the day are to go the doctor at 9 am, then run errands if possible, then come home, do some web work for a friend, write and send my monthly update, and start the sketch for Utopia I. I think all that is doable today, with much resting still, here and there. I feel blessed to have the energy and wellness to consider doing so much.

About amyjacksoncc

I am a professional artist, writer and musician creating from my home studio. To view my artwork, visit
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